By Fay Iseminger | August 24, 2019

It is good to know that every day God is supplying the strength we need for anything we face. And He holds us securely in His everlasting arms. Our sufficiency comes from Him. 2 Cor. 3:5

Resistance and struggle do not mean failure. Most of what is valuable comes through struggle. Dare to trust and follow Him. You will find that the very things that threateningly bar your way will become the avenue for your escape to freedom, at His command.

No matter what giant difficulties stalk your life, if you will keep moving forward, adding God into the situation, He will turn the giants into bread for your soul and you will become stronger for having encountered them rather than being crushed by them.
The peace of God will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus. The Hebrew word for peace is "shalom". Shalom can also be interpreted as authority over chaos. Trusting God makes us powerful.

The person of faith refuses to allow circumstances to come between him and God, but instead trusts that God is a protective shield between him and circumstances, always overriding evil and working for good.
Fay Iseminger